Latvian Association of Innovation and Technology

“If you want to go fast, go alone.
If you want to go far, let's go together!”

Our mission:

Strengthen and improve the activities between different members of innovation and technology field with a goal to encourage faster and more powerful innovation development in Latvia.

Our vision:

Strengthen the capability of Latvian organizations and Latvian enterprises to create powerful and effective innovations with the goal to attain Latvia's inclusion in European Union's innovation leaders.

Our values:

Our goals:

► Help cultivating Latvia's ability to compete in a larger field by reducing productivity gap between Latvia and other countries with developed economy by encouraging actions in multiple directions - innovation, increasing business efficiency (digitalization of various processes) and working capacity of Latvia, as well as promoting internal and external investments;

► Secure innovative and eco-efficient economy, raise public awareness about socio-economic importance of small and medium companies in Latvia

► Encourage valuable and efficient development of research and innovation and promote the use of high research and ethics quality standards

Participate and organize exhibitions, seminars, conferences, projects and other national and international events which correspond with our mission

► Encourage partnership between our members and establish contacts in national and international level

Support national economy's activities which decrease SEG emissions, retain carbon dioxide attraction and adapts to climate change