Latvian Association of Innovation and Technology founders and members are professionals of fast developing companies and manufacturers in the corresponding fields, who have united to strengthen the capability of Latvian organizations and enterprises to create powerful and effective innovations with the goal to attain Latvia's inclusion in European Union's innovation leaders.


Dr. oec. prof. Anda Batraga 
Dr. oec. doc. Jeļena Šalkovska 
Mg. oec. Līga Brasliņa 
Bc. psych. Anita Pedāne 
             Mg. sc. ing. Jānis Šolks
Bc. jur. Natālija Ozoliņa 

Dr. oec. asoc. prof Ilze Medne 
Mg. oec. Mārtiņš Danusēvičs 

           Mg. jur. Verners Pelšs
